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Josefa Benjamin

Founder & CEO

Beginning her career in 1993 as a Communications Division Dispatcher with the Broward Sheriff's Office then later becoming a certified deputy, Retired Colonel Benjamin's faith was the bedrock of her approach to complex challenges in communication and emergency response. This strong foundation propelled her through various leadership roles, each marked by her steadfast dedication to her spiritual values.

Retired Colonel Benjamin's commitment to youth and women empowerment, community service, and collaborating with criminal justice stakeholders was unmatched. She dedicated her time to providing quality care and programming to incarcerated individuals, in particular vulnerable populations. It was apparent that her spiritual grounding guided her in these endeavors, aligning her actions with her faith.

Her passion for preventing youth incarceration and assisting incarcerated individuals, led her to volunteer and support numerous non-profits, such as The Piney Grove Academy and ChildNet, where she currently serves on the Executive Board. Further, due to her efforts, her department became the first jail system to collaborate with Every Mother's Advocate (EMA), which from her perspective was her most impactful decision as an administrator. She was able to provide her team with an effective tool that would significantly improve how the system cared for pregnant females who were incarcerated.

As the founder and CEO of The Born on Purpose Project 501(c)3, Retired Colonel Benjamin leads an organization with a mission aligned with her own values. The organization's goal is to engage, connect, and mobilize the community, assisting those in need of services for their spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. Committed to bringing purposeful, enriching, and enlightening events to the community, The Born on Purpose Project also collaborates with other nonprofits sharing similar objectives. This initiative reflects her ethos of service.

From her initial role to her final position as the Executive Director of the Department of Detention and Community Programs, her career is a testament to the power of faith in guiding public service and community development. She is the first African American female to hold the position of Colonel in the history of the Dept. of Detention and Community Programs. She is not just a leader but a beacon of hope and inspiration, showcasing how faith and dedication can create meaningful change. As a speaker, she offers not only her professional insights but also her spiritual perspective, connecting with audiences on a deeper level and inspiring others to walk in their purpose with faith as their guide.

Josefa is the proud mother of three children named Cameron, Quentin, and Nicholas and one grandson, Jordan, which from her perspective, is her most important role.



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